24/7 Trusted Plumber Company in Granite Bay, CA - (916) 739-2327 - Fast & Local.
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24 Hr Plumbing Services near 95663
CALL US: (916) 739-2327
Looking for 24 Hr Plumbing Services near 95663 or around Granite Bay, CA? Get a free estimate with us over the phone!
Give us a call: (916) 739-2327.
24 Hr Plumbing Services near 95663 - Save Money & Time with us!
24 Hr Plumbing Services near 95663 - Why Us?
Free Quotes.Trained Plumbers.
Fine Reputation.
Long And Rich Experience.
Decent Prices.
Emergency Service 24/7.
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More zips and cities we provide:
24 Hr Plumbing 95663
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Backflow Replacement Shower Installation Garbage Disposal Repair Lift Station Replacement Kitchen Remodeling Sewer Line Maintenance Copper Water Pipe Installation Bathroom Renovation Mold Remediation Tankless Water Heater Maintenance
Granite Bay 24/7 Plumbers
Plumber in Granite Bay, CA
Address: Lot # 1 Wells Ave, Granite Bay, CA 95650 Email: admin@granite-bay-247-plumbers.com
Phone: (916) 739-2327
Plumber in Granite Bay, CA
Address: Lot # 1 Wells Ave, Granite Bay, CA 95650 Email: admin@granite-bay-247-plumbers.com
Phone: (916) 739-2327
Special Coupons
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15% Off Sewer Line Replacement
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15% OFF Water Line Replacement
15% OFF Drain Cleaning Service
10% Off Water Header Installation
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Sterling Curtis: "Had a tremendous time getting professional service by these guys. They arrived ultra fast to my house and took care of my clogged drain very quicly. The best plumbing company in the area." 5 out of 5 stars
Leroy Rosa: "The plumbing company arrived swiftly, did the plumbing professionally, and received a fair payment. That is exactly what a plumber should look like. Awarded them a decent tip, they deserved it." 5 out of 5 stars
Cornelia Burt: "I am pleased to extend my thanks to your people for the work they did in my appartement. As they came in they successfully tried to calm me down, because I was very uneasy as my sink was overflowing and my bathroom was flooding. I was so relaxed when the team finished working and when I saw my bathroom all neat again." 5 out of 5 stars